بحوث التخرج للعام الدراسي 2024/2025

ت اسم التدريسي اسم البحث
1. ا.د أسامة محمد عبد الأمير

1.     Management of impaction.

2.     Management of orofacial pain.

2. ا.م.د احمد طالب غضبان

1.     Risk of mucormycosis in medically compromised patient.

2.      foreign body in maxillofacial region assessment and management.

3. م. صباح قيصر موسى

1.     Prevalence of Oral Maxillary and Mandibular Tori among Outpatients attending Dental College in Al-Muthanna Governorate .

2.     Prevalence of Angular Cheilitis and Assessment of factors Associated with it in population of Al-Muthanna Governorate

4. م.م احمد رافع ناجي

1.     Role of artificial intelligence in dentistry.

2.     Application of CBCT and AI in dentistry.

5. م. سامر سالم جعفر

1.     Oral malodor

2.     Incidence of periodontal pocket after wisdom tooth extraction In mandible.

6. ا. حيدر سعد حنفوش

1.    Prevalence of CL iii Malocclusion in Sammawa City Students Aged (6-18) Years Old.

2.    Facial asymmetries and Relationship with TMJ disorder.

7. م.م محمد عبدالعزيز رضا

1.     Satisfaction of patients with partial denture compared to fixed prosthesis in short span bounded edentulous areas.

2.     Classification of edentulous ridges in comparison with time since last tooth extracted.

8. ا.م شيماء عبد الله حنون

1.     Prevalence of premature loss of primary molars at Sammawa city.

2.     Prevalence of traumatic fracture of maxillary permanent central incisor in children aged 8-12 years at Sammawa city.

9.  م.د مؤيد عبد العزيز عبد الكريم

1.     Knowledge and attitude of dental students towards hepatitis B vaccination.

2.      Evaluation of mental foramen and inferior alveolar nerve canal and its relationship to adjacent anatomical landmarks using cone-beam computer tomography.

10. م.د مخلد سالم عبدالله

1.    Dentigerus cysts in oromaxillofacial region.

2.    Maxillary sinus pathological disorders.

11. م. هبة احمد سعيد

1.    Occupational hazards in dentistry.

2.    Applications of ozone in dentistry.

12. م.م احمد جميل عبيس

1.    The Evolution of Adhesion: Types and Applications in Dental Restorations

2.    Irrigation Strategies for Effective Root Canal Fillings.



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